Trinity Youth
Trinity Youth are on FIRE to follow and get to know Jesus, gather together in fellowship, serve others, and share Jesus to the world.
Welcome to the Youth Ministry Page! We are so excited for the church year to start and welcome all middle and high schoolers back for Bible Class, Confirmation and Youth Events. Our theme for the year is “Connect”; Saint Paul, in Romans 12:4-5, writes how even though we are many parts, we make up one body: the body of Christ. Our goal this year is to Connect with one another, Jesus and the Church. Mady welcomes you to join her for Bible Study, Confirmation, and events to get connected at Trinity! 
What’s Happening Now?
Youth Bible Class will continue next week. We are going through the Chosen series in the Senior High Room. October 8 meet Mady at church from 2pm to 4pm for a special activity. о October 13 &14-Youth Lock-in for Middle & High School youth, 6pm to 8am. Invite friends and sign up on the youth bulletin board by Mady’s office. • Don’t forget to fill out the “All About You” form sent by Mady! Senior High Nights will be starting in October. Questions about Youth Ministry? Contact Mady!

Need more information? Contact Mady Pinn, Trinity’s Director of Christian Education, at